Thursday, October 15, 2009

Old People (Revised)

You better get ready for us old people becase we are here.

I neve dreamed about being an older person but I am here!

Older people will annoy you but we have so much experience to share with the younger generation if we can just communicate!

I miss dad and grandpa somedays, they taught me so much about farming about life. I guess I tried to mimic them.

I am a third generation former school board president! Our family always gave to the community and school boarding, well now that is one tough job but I did it!

The day I retired from school boarding they hired my friend and son in law to be the ag teacher where I started in 1971! That was so special!

I can see this young generation needs our experience, knowledge and wisdom. How do we communicate? I am trying to help train a great young farmer right now and I know I upset him somedays by telling him the truth. Everything is not all glory like they show on TV!

You young folks better treat this older generation good.

We own everything!

Ed Winkle

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